Monday, January 31, 2005

A case of the Monday's

Well not really I guess.... It was just hard to get up and go to work after only having one day off. I've worked the past four Saturdays in a row. Rumor has it, I work this Saturday too. I'll work it of course, the money is good, but it sucks having one day weekends.

I've been so tired lately I've found myself going to bed at extremely early hours. I was asleep before 8:00 on Saturday night. How lame is that?

I also realized that since I've been working overtime, I haven't "gone out" anywhere in a while. Haven't been doing anything really fun. Well... There was my sister's baby shower. That was a lot of fun. But kind of stressful at the same time. The "in-laws" were in town for the shower and it is always stressful having them over. Wanting everything to be perfect for them (even though things don't have to be perfect) gets me all kinds of riled up.

I also found out why I don't have as much money in the bank as I should. My boss forgot to pay me for Monday. He was paying attention to making sure my overtime got put in right, and missed the regular pay for the day.


I will get paid for Monday.... Just not till next Friday. Too bad rent is due this Tuesday.

Oh well, such is life. I work out the bills and get on with things. I should have a huge check next week though.


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