Sunday, April 10, 2005

Today is going to be a good day

If I keep telling myself that, I just might believe it.

It's raining here, (go figure, I live in the Seattle area) and I'm already starting to fee the rainy day Sunday blues. My man is still in bed sleeping which means he slept way too long and is going to be grumpy today. I have so many domestic chores to do that I don't want to even start. I could save them for Monday, but who wants to do chores on Monday?

I just feel kind of blah.... That's all. One good thing is that the coffee is starting to surge through my system. I'm starting to get a little more bounce to my step. Plus my hurt knee is really feeling better these days. I can even start going after a job. I don't need to worry about being hurt at work. I could use the paycheck too.

So here's to lazy rainy day Sundays.


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