Saturday, June 18, 2005

Adult entertainment

A lot of my friends have kids these days. Some of these kids can be monsters. Running around screaming, hitting each other and constantly in our faces. Last night we went over to some friends house. We've never done a dinner with this particular family before and it was simply amazing.

They have 3 kids. The most well behaved little kids I've ever seen in my life. They wanted some attention and were excited about having visitors of course, but they weren't all in your face about it. The kids said please and thank you when it was appropriate. They, for the most part, got along and played well together. The parents treated their children with respect. They said please and thank you to their kids. They worked as a team when one got fussy. Not abandoning the other and leaving their spouse to take care of the dirty work alone. Not screaming at the kids and telling them to go play and leave us alone.

Because of the amazing job these two are doing while raising their kids, we were able to hang out as adults and play a simple board game. Most of my friends kids wouldn't allow us to have that much peace and quiet.

It was an awesome display of teamwork. It was inspiring and will hopefully affect how me and my guy raise our kids.

I know who to go for advice any way.


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