Friday, July 01, 2005

Adventures in Babysitting

Ok so my brother, the electrican's apprentice, had a "job emergency" and he needed someone to watch his three kids for him for the night. Tonight's work would all be overtime pay and he really couldn't afford to turn it down.

So it's big sister to the rescue. I hardly ever get to see my two nephews and my niece, so I really don't mind watching them. Problem is, although I have experience with kids, I'm a little out of practice.

I know I need to feed them so I send Ivan (who got home at 4 this morning) to the store for something for dinner. We also needed some diapers for the little one too. After about 45 minutes I started getting worried.

Ivan comes home with 5 bags of various cookies. Yes that's right guys 5. Also a box of crackers and kool-aid. Paper plates and bowls. Plastic cups. A huge package of toilet paper. A huge pack of paper towels. And a giant pack of diapers and some wipes to go with them.

For dinner he went off to KFC. The kids meals were perfect for them. Managed to borrow a sippy-cup from the neighbor for the little one. Now the kids are full and all sugared up.

Young one needed her diaper changed. As soon as I got off her pants I realized that this was a number two emergency and I needed wipes "STAT"

Ivan rushes over to get the wipes and opens the package while I am attempting to use the diaper to wipe her up. As I let go of the diaper and make a grab for the wipes, the turd actually rolled out of the diaper and onto the floor. She was laying on the couch by the way. So I'm laughing trying to hurry up and get the diaper on her and clean up the turd on the floor mess.

We finish getting her all dressed and look around for the two boys. During the time it took to change their sister, both boys managed to get them selves naked. So I grab some small t-shirts of mine and put one on each kid.

I can hear all of them running around chasing the dog right now. They are actually barking at her.

It's only been two hours. Lord help me for I'm doing this tomorrow night too.


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