Sunday, February 06, 2005

Rainy day blues

Ok so rainy days sometimes have a negative effect on my attitude. Plus the fact that I have been getting one day weekends lately. Today being my only day off, I wanted sunshine. I wanted happiness. I wanted a good dinner. Is that too much to ask?

I'm being grumpy right now because my man decided to do some firewood delivery followed by some fishing today. Stupid me, I told him I wouldn't be mad at him for going. Well I'm not mad, I just miss him. My one day off and he wants to spend time together by fishing and/or shooting guns. Why can't we rent some movies, snuggle on the couch by the fire and eat popcorn. Do we have to run around in the rain and get cold and dirty to enjoy ourselves.

Ok so I'm over reacting. But it's my job to. It is also my job to pout when necessary. I feel it is necessary to pout at the moment. Having a big fat swollen bloody lip makes the pout seem just that much more pathetic. Makes it work better though. Wonder if it could get him to go get me some ice cream........


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