Thursday, March 10, 2005

My first full weekend

This weekend will be my first whole weekend this year. Hard to believe huh? It's already March, and I haven't had that much time off, but I got tons of stuff done already.

Last weekend me and Ivan totally redecorated Garrett's room. See the den was where we put all the stuff we didn't quite know what to do with yet. It became a storage room of sorts. It had a stove, a freezer, an entertainment center and a whole closet full of our crap in it. Combine that with all the stuff he had when he moved in... Well it created some sort of a disaster area. Garrett went to his mom and dad's house for the weekend to help them clear their property. While he was gone, we pulled all of our stuff out of his room and re-arranged his furniture just so. We built and hung shelves for his wall. I put my recliner in there in the corner for him. His room looks awesome. It being a den, it's huge too. If I wasn't so fond of Garrett, I'd be jealous. Guess that means I need to re-do my room too huh?

In the process of organizing Garrett's room, we had to do some thing with all of our stuff. So we built these heavy duty shelves for our laundry room. We also (just for the fun of it) painted our laundry room a bright blue. We made the shelves a bright pink, and painted the washer and dryer purple. I know that these colors may sound funny, but believe me... It all works out well. We got all of our tools organized and have a well functioning utility room now.

This weekend me, Ivan and Garrett are going to go to Garrett's parents house. We are going to help clear some of the bushes and stuff off their land. We are going to dig a huge hole and build a huge bonfire in it. I guess Garrett's dad has a quad that I get to drive to drag trees over to the burn pile. I know that it is going to be a lot of work, but it is the fun kind of work I love doing.

Friday when we get to the Spokane area, we are all going to hang out with Joel and Jessie, some really good friends of the boys. Joel is a cool guy. He stayed here for a weekend once. We all stayed at their place once last summer too. I guess we are going Go-Kart racing. Should be fun. Maybe I should try to run my sweetie pie off the road... Just for kicks.

I have such a busy schedule for the next few weeks. It is going to be crazy, but it will be fun. I'll keep you all posted.


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