Friday, July 08, 2005

Doing much better now

The boyfriend and I got together after my "grumpy" post. We talked about how I was feeling and he helped me realize a few things. Just like it was pointed out in the comments, the two roommates do have something new going on. The honeymoon stage will last for a while longer even.

Plus roommate #2 just moved in. Her stuff is still in the process of being organized. She has no idea where to put the dishes away even if she did do them. If she wanted to pick up around the house a little bit she, yet again, wouldn't know where to put stuff.

Plus after the babysitting episode, the house was a mess. It's not hard to make a mess when there is already a mess going on.

I've decided that I just need to relax a little. I love a certain amount of organization, and I think I'm going to have to have it in my own bedroom.

Also the roommates are out of town for the weekend. I'm going to get rid of some clutter, clean and organize things. Start off with a clean slate. Maybe it will be easier to keep it clean once it is already clean.

Thank you all for reading a boring post.


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