Monday, March 14, 2005

Day One

Day one of being on "Stand By" went fairly well. I'm not much on just sitting around watching TV, so I've been trying to accomplish things around the house. I managed to do a mountain of laundry. I almost have it all completely done. Washed, dried, folded and put away. (I have a hard time getting laundry put away for some reason. It just sits in piles of folded laundry...hmmm). I made some protein bars. They turned out gross. I'm not quite sure if any of those nutritional bars actually taste good, so I don't feel too bad.

I rode my bike around town for a while today. That part was fun. I had Daisy with me. She did pretty good running while I was riding.... Until she decided to take a crap on the sidewalk. Oh well. After the bike ride, I did more boring stuff like dishes and meatloaf. At least I got some grocery shopping in tonight. That means I can cook an awesome dinner tomorrow.

So for now, that is my super exciting life. I'll let you in on all the fun and exciting things about tomorrow, tomorrow.


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