Monday, November 14, 2005

Good to be home

Wow! What a hectic, but crazy cool month October was. It's hard to believe that November is halfway over already. I've finally taken a moment for myself to write.

And I had better enjoy this moment because it won't last long.

Last weekend Ivan and I spent the weekend with his family. We went over there specifically to see his little sister. She was in a very bad car accident a week ago and is very lucky to be alive. We couldn't make it over the weekend of her accident, (believe me, Ivan felt like a jerk) so we rushed over there Friday.

I can't believe how strong that girl is. First she gets mono. Well not mono exactly something one step worse. She ended up missing a lot of school from that. She still got a 4.0 GPA.

Then there was this car accident. I guess what happened was it was really icy out and she slid into a gravel ditch. She tried to turn the car back onto the road and when one tire suddenly hit asphalt it grabbed so quickly that it rolled the car over. The windshield busted, both front door windows shattered and the roof of the car on the driver's side caved in. Thank god she was wearing her seat belt.

With how screwed up her car was, and how much blood there was every where, I can't believe she got away with only getting the injuries she got. Plus she was cheerful, bright, strong and supportive the whole time in the hospital.

The poor girl got scalped. Not completely. Just this huge chunk from the center of her forehead to about the top of her head. I got to see the wound in between bandage changing. When I was looking at it all I wanted to do was hug her. I felt like crying. Also felt the need to be strong for my man who was unquestionably feeling the same emotions. So I ended up standing there awkwardly not knowing exactly what to do.

All I have to say is Jenn-ay I am so glad you are here. I hope you know how much your brother and I love you. I've always wanted a little sister and I'm glad your it. You are an inspiration to everyone.

I love you!


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