Saturday, October 29, 2005

The morning after

Ohhhh.... How my head hurts.

It's my own fault. I know that much. But I'm still looking for something or some one else to blame.

This weekend both roommates and my man went over to Spokane for the weekend. Leaving me and this huge house to my self. So I call up my sister, her husband and a really good friend of ours and told them to come over.

With all the kids playing upstairs, us adults got to "relax" downstairs. By relaxing I'm talking about the consumption of an entire bottle of voldka by my sister and I. The boys drank off of a different bottle and had some beers.

Oh my goodness.... My sister and I were DRUNK. We weren't just drunk, we were drunk drunk.

We don't get the opportunity to cut loose like this very often so we took advantage of it to the fullest.

Comcast on demand has a section in their music file with Kareokee songs. All of us were jumping around singing random songs (off key of course). I remember sliding down the stairs on my butt. Even though I've told the kids countless times not to do that very thing. I now have rug burns on my calves.

Oh yes, and then there is the drunk dialing. I'm apologizing now to my favorite auntie whom we called just as she was getting into bed. Good thing she's cool and has a sense of humor. Not everyone is cool about getting drunken phone calls at night.

I don't remember exactly what else we did last night. Running around like a dork, laughing at nothing in particular, all in all having a good time.

Not so good a time now though. Waiting for the coffee to run through my system more better.



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