Thursday, May 19, 2005

24 hour fitness

So I haven't set up another thing about tracking our running habits. It turns out Ivan isn't interested at all. Oh well. Looks like it gets put here.

Went the two miles again yesterday. I think that's what I'll be doing for a while. I felt better yesterday than I did the other day. Made it farther before I had to slow to a walk. It's starting to get easier.

Then Ivan took me and Garrett to 24 hour fitness. Had some guest passes so we could check out the gym. I was so uncomfortable there. Having all these sweaty creepy guys staring at me.

I had changed into my workout clothes before the guys did, so I hopped on the treadmill to pass the time while I was waiting for the guys. Some creepy guy decides to hop on the one next to me, even though there were like 8 empty ones. Thank god Ivan showed up before creepy guy tried to start up a conversation with me.

We settled for the swimming pool, the steam room and the hot tub. At least I could hide under water there. The hot tub was awesome. It was fun swimming. The steam room felt good.

Still I'm not sure I would buy a membership. I could go swimming here in town if I wanted to.


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