Tuesday, May 17, 2005


Ok well the muscles in my butt and thighs hurt. I went running yesterday.... TWICE!

I don't know exactly what drove me to such measures of insanity, it cold be the idea of my man thinking we are going to run a marathon sometime in October.

I'm trying to be supportive and positive about this. I even went out in the pouring rain to run around town with my dog. I came home with my leg muscles burning yet my legs soaking wet and freezing. I was sweating under my raincoat yet I couldn't feel my toes with my soaking wet shoes. My body was so confused.

Then after being all warm and dry for a few hours, my man comes home from work. I'm in the middle of cooking dinner and he wants to go for a quick run with me.

"Come on... Only for 10 minutes?"

He also had a bouquet of flowers hiding behind his back to sweeten the deal.

I sigh, turn all the burners on low. Make sure that nothing will burn or catch fire. Put my wet sneakers back on. And off we go.

Now I did enjoy myself on this run. Spending time with my guy always makes me feel good. I even got some good stretches in after the run. But I am seriously paying for it today.

Desperately seeking sympathy


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