Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Knowledge is Power

This was my first long trip on a motorcycle. Needless to say I learned some very important things along the way.

  • No amount of bug repellent will prevent bugs from smacking you in the face at 70 mph.
  • You can never use too much sunscreen.
  • My ass does not have enough natural padding to remain comfortable for long periods of sitting on the back of the bike.
  • You know all that grime that ends up on your car after a long trip, well on a bike, it ends up all over you.
  • Bugs, no matter what their nutritional value, don't taste good.
  • I do not have a cool "biker name." I met Ham, Veggie, Happy, Tumble Weed and Rocket Girl. Every one else used regular names.

This weekend was was awesome! Grueling, but awesome. You can see so much more and smell so much more on a bike. You can feel the temperature drop when you ride past a river. You feel it heat back up again when you ride into the sun. You get an incredible adrenalin rush every time you take off and go.

There were 11 bikes with 14 people on our trip. It made me feel all bad ass being part of the group. We got so many looks from people it was crazy. I guess it is better to ride in a group than ride alone. You are more easily seen and less likely to get run over.

There was this girl there who had the coolest red motorcycle. She caught me drooling over it at one of our rest stops and offered to let me sit on it. She thought that bike would be the perfect size for me. Sure enough, I climbed on and it felt good sitting on it. Ivan is all excited about that and wants me to get a bike. I just keep telling him, first things first. We want to buy a house. We can't go buying a motorcycle if we want a house. Otherwise we might as well plan on renting for another year.

But we can still dream.


At 3:49 PM, Blogger Alianora said...

Glad you had a great time, and that you made it home safely! =)


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