Thursday, February 10, 2005

Ok so now I'm a bitch

I'm not too sure how much I like working at this theater job. There aren't that many women out there and since I am one of the very few, the guys have a tendency to just stare. It makes me feel very self conscience when I go from one part of the job site to another and I have twenty men staring at me.

Well one stupid boy decided to come up to me this morning and make some lame attempt at flirting with me. I am very much in love with Ivan so stupid boy didn't even rate a smile from me. He tried several times to get me to flirt back with him and I finally had enough. I had to tell him that I am here to work. I have a job to do and flirting with him isn't going to get this job done.

"Well you don't have to be a bitch about it." He grumbled as I roll my eyes and walk away.

It kind of pisses me off that I just can't go to work and do my job. I have to make the boys go away and leave me alone. I understand that by being a female in a predominately male trade, I'm going to have to expect to deal with it, but still..... It gets old.

It's not my nature to be a bitch to these guys, I'm actually a very nice person. But when it gets to the point where I don't get as much work done as my partner is getting done, something has got to change. That's when the inner bitch must come out and rear her ugly head. Now as long as I don't make any boys cry I should be fine.


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